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Noble M12 takes its roof off

By Yoann Besnard on 6 February 2008 | Commentaires (0) Comments | Permalink

Noble ceased to build the M12 supercar but thanks to a Bristol-based company, current owners can give a second life to their cherished car. Salica Cars sells a kit that includes a removable roof, a full redesign of the body plus an engine upgrade.

Salica Cars replace the original body panels and the roof is being replaced by a lightweight removable part that can be put aside when driving. The engine is being upgraded with a new intercooler and radiator.

Salica has also a more ambitious plan. the company wants to build new cars derived from the M12. The future car would be powered by an in-house upgraded twin-turbocharged V6 petrol unit which would devleop roughly 460bhp.


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